Welcome, Future Growth Hacker!

Hi Future Growth Hacker! 💪

Welcome to this extensive Growth Hacking course! Over the next 40+ videos, I want to give you all the skills and knowledge you need to become your company’s growth hacker. Afterwards, you‘ll be able to run growth hacking experiments to really improve the growth of the company that you work for, or to be an interesting growth hacker to hire for other companies.

My name is Ward van Gasteren. I am one of the first certified growth hackers in Europe and have worked for 70+ companies, from the fastest growing startups to the biggest corporates - Either as a growth consultant or as a freelance growth hacker. I’ve done a lot of hands-on work in all areas of growth hacking with more than half a million spend in advertising budget, I ran more than 500 experiments and built more than 200 landing pages by myself. But also have I helped my clients on strategic levels in all areas of the pirate funnel. Nowadays I mostly focus on sharing the knowledge of growth hacking online and 1-on-1 coaching, where I coach businesses and individuals in the field of growth hacking. I’ve created this course, because I want to help anybody to easily get all the knowledge needed to work as a growth hacker.

In this course, you'll find:

  1. The first section is about Growth Hacking in General. This gives you a clear picture of what the playing field looks like, so that you completely understand what growth hacking is and so that you better understand which things you need to learn before you can start.
  2. The second section is all about the Growth Hacking Process about the daily way-of-working. Including all of the important processes and models, because you’ll need them every day in your work. This will give you structure and confidence in your work, because you know what you’re doing.
  3. The third section is about all the Growth Hacking Skills you need to do your job. In this chapter, we’ll go through the main ideas that you need to know for skills like Analytics, Marketing or Conversion Rate Optimization. I’ll take you in-depth in a few tools and give you quick tips to get you up-and-running.
  4. Lastly, I added a bonus section about Personal Growth to help you really boost your career and to discuss how to best develop yourself; from a starting growth hacker to a growth hacking expert.

Let’s get started with section 1: the overall view of Growth Hacking! 🚀

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